paisclayco jewelry

neutral and modern clay earrings for the jewelry lover

shop by earring type

whether you’re looking for dainty dangles, statement drop dangles, or small studs, find your perfect earrings to reflect your personal style!

shop bestsellers

our fan favorites! they’re easy to style and pair well with your most comfortable pullover or favorite sweater.

our commitment to sustainability

we’re committed to creating high-quality (and cute) jewelry that’s packaged with low-waste materials. we promise to reduce waste when possible and avoid unnecessary materials that are used for when packing your earrings.

the less packaging, the better!

let’s be friends

meet sabryna, owner and designer

paisclayco began in 2024 after realizing that I needed to process major life changes like graduating college, beginning a corporate career, and grieving the loss of my mom. I found that creating jewelry helped me navigate this next chapter in my life and was the best thing that’s happened to me… (read more here).

2,300+ happy customers

we’ve shipped over 2,300 pairs of earrings to 35 states in the US, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Brazil

customer reviews 😍🤍

“you made it so easy to want to buy earrings from you! I pulled them out of my bag five times just to look at them.”

- Maria

“I adore your earrings! they go well with my other favorite jewelry & bring me such joy.”

- Katherine

“I opted to wear your earrings over my Kendra Scotts that I adore. Yours are so lightweight & don’t irritate my ears.”

- Jessica

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